Sunday, February 13, 2011


I recently ended up buying waxing strips from CVS (by the way, Nads is a very bad idea), because my local beauty supply store closed a few minutes before I arrived (Peninsula Beauty, please stay open later - some of us wolverines need premium products after 7).  A few days later I ended up with red, itchy, hive-like bumps all over my calves, ankles, and even feet!  This was not a good situation. I was miserable. I tried hydrocortisone creams, and there was no change; in fact, it only made the rash more angry. I finally came up with an interesting combination that started working almost immediately:
  • Clean the area first with witch hazel or a 1:4 apple cider vinegar - water solution
  • Mix and apply a combination of AloeLife Skin Gel and Dessert Essence Pure Australian Tea Tree Oil (both available at Whole Foods) to the area
    • I recommend adding only a few drops of the tea tree oil to the aloe vera as pure tea tree oil is very potent
I would also recommend this solution post-threading or electrolysis.  Of course, you know your skin better than I do; if you have a serious situation, go to the doctor!  Good luck.